"For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel- not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power." -1 Corinthians 1:17
JABAM! Pump it! Lock it! Whatever teens say now, I'll stick to, "Ahhh!" I absolutely love this verse. The emphasis it puts on our life mission being to preach the gospel, but how in the end it's the power of God and the demonstration of the cross of Christ that saves and transforms lives.
Welp...killer intro right? For the record, out of the two of us, Em-ster is definitely the more organized one with her thoughts. I would classify myself as the, A.D.D, gets excited about clouds shaped like bunnies, debater of Star Trek vs. Lord of the Rings, and the hater of mustard one of the two. Seriously guys, that stuff is nasty. If any of you haven't read Em's blog entry last Monday about "Living a life that Matters" I highly recommend it. The emphasis she puts on living a life glorifying to God is very inspiring and encouraging. I want to dig a little deeper though.
-What does it mean to glorify God in everything?
When I think about glorifying God in everything I do, I usually find myself in this trap thinking I want to be a missionary in far east Asia; for I feel that is the only way to truly glorify God in my life. This is wrong. One of the biggest things I have found is that we can glorify God in everything we do. Yup, that's right, you can glorify God through the way you unload the dishwasher. Why is this? Because we are using the blessings God has given us to bless others which glorifies him. Lost? I think about it this way, let's say I play guitar (which I do) and I become the world's greatest guitar player. Is that wrong? Nope, but whose dreams am I chasing? Am I pursing my own desires and passions? Or am I humbly asking God to use me AND my talents in whatever way he sees fit? It's the simple thought that we must use the blessings God has given us to bless others, and in turn glorify God.
-So what is my dream then?
My dream is to live a life focused on Christ and spreading his truth. I have no idea where God will lead me, in what way, or when, but I want to be dependent on his strength and not my own. I dream that Christians everywhere will take the action steps of faith God is calling them to, and not because they feel they have some obligation to do so, but because they are passionate about their Savior. I want my life to evidently display that Jesus is the treasure of my soul, the victor over my death, and the protector of my heart. Many times I hear the phrase, "This generation will change the world," and I don't like it. I want ones to think back on this generation, not as the glorious ones who defeated abortion or fixed the national debt, but as the ones who faithfully and humbly walked out the steps of faith God called them to. I want the gospel to be spread- not through fancy words, but with testimonies and prayer. That is my dream. You never know, God may throw in a jumping purple flamingo in the process.
-Gracie and Emily
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