

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Living a life that matters.

If you don't know Gracie or I (Emily), here is some of our background: We are both homeschooled and in high school, while managing a few college classes. We are Christian and we love Jesus. If you want to know more, clink on our name on the right of the page, where you can then read some tidbits that describes us better.
If you haven't already watched our promo video, I highly suggest you take some time to do so. Although it is silly and cheesy (and a bit embarrassing), It really depicts what our goal is for this blog; encouraging others through prayer, the Bible, and things that we find inspiring or edifying to our walk with God. Gracie and I have chosen to name our page, Bold and Thirsty, because we believe that is who God created us to be. Bold in stepping out in faith (Joshua 1:9) and thirsting for God's presence, guidance, and truth (Psalms 42:2).
And folks, don't think that we've come to the conclusion that we have everything figured out, because in all reality, we don't. I used to think that I had a good grasp on who God is, but as I get older, I realize that He is so much more holy, so much more loving, and so much more fearful than I can even began to comprehend. This blog is about us standing in awe of the Creator; wanting to do big things for Him, but also willing to do the little things that please Him.
More importantly, we have created this blog because we want to live a life that matters. We want to put our faith into practice and respond to what God has asked us to do, for the purpose of hearing those treasured words from the Lord, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
To be honest, we're not completely sure what God wants us to do with this blog, but we are excited and hopeful for any opportunities for us to grow in our relationship with the Lord and encourage others in their relationship as well. Thanks for reading and we would love it if you embarked on this journey with us as we pursue Jesus and run our life-long race.
-Emily and Gracie

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! I can't wait to see what's coming in your lives!
