Goodbye basketball...
I didn't plan any of this. If you asked me two months ago what this upcoming year would look like, my answer would have been concise and to the point: "School, basketball, and college ministry". In my mind, these answers made sense, even looking at those points now, I can honestly say they make sense.
But God had other plans...
April 25th 1:29pm, I got a message from Josiah Friedman, the CEO for Voices for the Voiceless, which is a non-profit organization that exists to unite the new generation of pro-life activists across the state of AZ. He was contacting me to tell me they were looking to fill nine new staff positions and my name came up.
My jaw dropped.
I was at Bible study that morning when I received the Facebook message. It took me four days to even respond to Josiah's message because I was thinking/praying over so many things. But I finally responded and said I would like to meet and discuss what this position would entail.
I think it's safe to point out that when I went to this meeting with Josiah I fully intended on saying "no" to the position. I even said as much to Josiah as we began talking about the position. In my mind my points remained, "School, basketball, college ministry," so I approached the meeting with that same attitude. As I talked to my Dad after the meeting I was quite frustrated, "He agreed with everything I said!" I vented. "And that's bad?" replied my Dad. My master plan was simple, I wanted Josiah to say something that wasn't part of the path God was leading me on. But no, Josiah agreed with every point I made. Down to my full-blown rant on how in the end I didn't care if peoples' mindset went from being pro-choice to pro-life if they weren't going from dead in the sin to alive in Christ.
So now I was really confused.
Josiah had given me a month to make my decision and I planned on using every last day. Two weeks went by with nothing to report. Then came the EVAC banquet. This was a big deal for our sports organization. Every team from every sport comes together (all dressed up) and each coach will talk about their year, tell stories, and look at pictures. There's also quite a bit of food. At one point in the banquet they had a time to honor the seniors, by reflecting on their respective careers, awards, and highlights. They gave each one of them a certificate and took a group photo. I thought to myself, "That will be me next year, talking through my accomplishments, and validating all my hard work." Then. God. Spoke.
"This" he said
"This what?" I thought, "Sacrifice this" he spoke again. I pondered this throughout the rest of the banquet, and by the time I got home I was close to tears. So as I usually do when I'm emotional, I go outside and pace up and down my yard praying. My prayer went something like this:
"God no, no, no. God I love basketball so much, I've put in years to this sport, years to building these relationships, I can't just leave. I can't. God you are worth the world to me, but don't ask me to do this. I'm not strong enough."
But God has a way of bringing peace to hearts who are truly seeking him. I had to ask myself, "What is Jesus worth to me?"
My whole life I've had a timeline: go to school, play out basketball through my senior year, and start college ministry. Boom. Boom. Boom. But what happens when God calls you to something that doesn't fit in your timeline? When he calls you to follow him wherever, however, and whenever he leads.
"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well." 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Ouch. It's easy to get excited about the gospel, changing lives, and transforming hearts; but is it easy to get excited about sacrifice? Do I truly believe Jesus is worth it? Do I believe he's worth my senior year? Worth missing the award ceremony for basketball? Worth not receiving credit for all the work I put in? (I mean slap me in the face, it's high school, but that's where my heart is). And on top of all that, believe I can sacrifice with joy because of the cross of Christ?
So that's it. I accepted Josiah's position. I'm raking my hands through my hair right now because it's still hard to grasp I'm doing this. Now, do I think every person on my basketball team should quit and do ministry? Absolutely not. When people ask me if I have a calling toward the pro-life movement I would have to say no. But I have a calling for following Christ, and right now he's calling me to serve here. To minister here. To sacrifice here. So I will. I will. If you think I'm repeating a lot it's because I am. I have to constantly remind myself that God is bigger than my emotions, because if I was going solely on where my heart is...I might just be outside shooting hoops. I know one day I will stand before my creator. Oh God, I will stand before you one day, and to say to you, "You were worth so much more than what I gave up" Oh! Oh! Dear God! Let it be true of me today.
I wish I could say I am standing here with 100% peace about the decision. That's not the case, I struggle with where God wants me daily. But I do know that when God brings you to something, he will bring you through it. I'm here. Ready to serve Voices for the Voiceless as a Network Development Coordinator, and ready to serve my Church by being actively involved in ministry in ASU. I'm here. This is where God has planted me, and until he directs otherwise I intend to stay here and serve. And the crazy thing about serving the God of the universe, is when you fill yourself with his presence, He fills you to overflowing measures so you can love those around you with Christ's love. I am able to serve with joy because God has captured my heart and given me promises to cling to.
So goodbye's been a blast. God has called me to a different path and new adventure... or *cough* an "Unexpected journey" (Lord of the Rings - Hobbit)
Blessings as always,
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