

Monday, December 16, 2013

"Masks"- Part 3

Well folks, this is the last part of our 3 week mini series. If you recall, we talked about struggles and how we can find comfort in letting go of control and trusting our Loving and Faithful God. We also skimmed over the subject of scars, and the redemption we see when we allow God to work through our deepest hurt, and also embrace our scars, not as a weakness, but God's renewal story in our life. We then ended with 2 Corinthians 1:4, that encourages us to comfort others in the same way God has comforted us with. So now, we will jump into the topic of masks.

Why do people wear masks? Sometimes we wear a mask because we feel as if we can't measure up to others standard, so in result, we hide who we really are. Sometimes when we have unresolved sin in our life, we disguise it with a mask of covering and guilt. And sometimes as Christians, we try to maintain a mask of a perfect life and the ridiculous thought of seemly fooling people into thinking we don't have problems (Ha!). If you're wondering how or even why you should take off the papier-mache you are hiding behind, here are a few side notes and reasons:

1)Trusting God vs. Pleasing Him- Don't get me wrong, pleasing God is the most beautiful thought one can think, but it shouldn't come before the act of trust. You see, we cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6), and to have faith, is to have trust. If we try to please Him outside of faith, it looks absolutely pity and it's exhausting. You know why? Because it can't be done. I read a book called, "TrueFaced," (it actually inspired this post), and it said, "God isn't interested in changing the Christian. He already has." We need to trust God when He tells us who we are because of the cross. We are now holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight (Colossians 1:22).

2)Taking off our mask- You want to hear wonderful news? Mask eventually peel. They eventually crack. They eventually break. We can't hide forever and this is good news because when we hide ourselves in a mask, we deny God the right and ability to work through the very thing we are hiding from. When we hide ourselves in a mask, we don't truly let people in; everything is surface and nothing is deep. But when we take off our mask, we experience true satisfaction in our Savior. God has given us a longing to be loved by something greater (Him) and we can't even begin to feel that love until we stand completely unaltered; because until we do that very deed, the only thing that is receiving love is the mask.

3)Maturing into who God says we are- This is the beauty of taking off any sort of mask we hide behind-- becoming who we really are. Psalm 139:17-18 says, "How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand..." God has a purpose for you and He has plans for your life that you can't even begin to comprehend. His dreams for you are vast and glorious, but you must know, those dreams aren't about you. Our life should be revolved around glorifying God and enjoying Him forever. He has paid our dept on the cross and He has made us children of the King. Don't forget, we love God because He first loved us. That means, He loved us first. We must take of our mask and feel that love of our Savior, before we can love others and mature into His plans.

May you first trust God rather than rush to please, take off your mask, and become who you really are in Christ. There is so much wonder and excitement in life, and being vulnerable is part of that experience. So let people in and open up your heart; you can't hide behind that feeble mask forever.

Ta-Da! That's the end of our series. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Whatever struggle, or scar, or mask you are dealing with today, remember that it always comes back to this: trusting God. Step out in faith; God has everything under control.

-Emily and Gracie

1 comment:

  1. Thanks this is good! What a relief it is to take off the mask and be vulnerable.
